
My name is Casey VanAlstyne. I'm a full-stack developer looking to leverage dynamic tools to create impactful applications and technology. When I say, "full-stack," I mean full-stack of Pringles. And when I say, "developer," I mean someone who can eat that.

I'm a Carolina graduate, and a huge fan of the Mens' basketball and lacrosse programs. Following graduation, I taught as a high school English teacher for three years. I'm a husband and father. In my free time, I like to spend time with my family, play and review video games, exercise, read classic and contemporary literature, and make people laugh.



Have you ever heard a song and thought, "What did that person just say?"? Well, you're not alone! Whether you want to stop mumbling the lyrics to the song you love, or learn all the lyrics before a concert Savor is the best app to get your favorite artist's lyrics. The user can easily search the artist and song and the song lyrics will show on the screen.

Utilizes JavaScript, jQuery, Materialize, and multiple APIs (lyrics.ovh and iTunes).

Daily Event Calender

For this project, I created a simple calendar application that allows the user to save events for each hour of the day. This app runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by jQuery. I also took advantage of the [Moment.js] library to work with date and time. There is a heavy focus on using Moment.js in the browser. The user can enter in information for any time slot. This information can be saved and/or deleted by selecting the save or clear button at the top of the page. The daily event scheduler is color coded based on the user's current time. This dynamic feature helps the user keep track of whether or not they have accomplished their goals for the day.

Utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Random Password Generator

This application generates a random password based on user-selected criteria. This application runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code. It also features a clean and polished user interface. The application is responsive, adapting to multiple screen sizes.

Utilizes HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

Dragon Defenders

This is a fun game I made that utilizes Scratch. This was one of the very first coding projects I made! Avoid the dragons to defend the castle!

Contact information

Please provide your contact information and any additional comments below so I can reach out!